IFA and DFA Fee Calculator

1.Total Dollars Invested:$
2.Percentage in Taxable Accounts: 
3.Percentage in Tax-Deferred Accounts: 
4.Select an IFA Index Portfolio: 
Index Fund Advisors (IFA) Annual Percentage Fee:
Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) Annual % Fee as a Blend of all Funds in the Selected Index Portfolio (This fee is not charged by IFA; it is deducted directly from the funds by DFA):
Total Annual Percentage of IFA plus DFA Fees1:

1. Fee calculation shown is an estimation based on Assets Under Management (AUM) and portfolio asset allocation. Actual fees charged may vary. Custodians may have additional trading costs not represented here. For more information on the breakdown of fees estimated here, please see here, or request a copy of IFA's ADV Part 2 by calling 888-643-3133 and asking for an Investment Advisor Representative.