Download Sample Report This report is offered as a tool for helping investors understand key factors in retirement investing. The charts and graphs produced from the information provided by you in the form below will be based on a Monte Carlo simulation method. This method simulates 10,000 portfolio outcomes an investor may experience based on long-term historical data starting from one of 100 IFA Index Portfolios, with a Glide Path option. The scenarios are presented in terms of statistical probabilities of portfolio survival at various ages of your retirement. The inputs include your age and time horizon, initial wealth, periods of savings and withdrawals, investment risk level based on your Risk Capacity Survey results or your age, an option for a Glide Path and a choice of whether to include or exclude the Great Depression in the historical risk and return assumptions of annualized return and standard deviation. This report is based on many assumptions which can make large changes in the outcomes and in no way can cover all the changes that occur throughout a lifetime.
The data provided in charts referring to IFA Index Portfolios is hypothetical back-tested performance and is not actual client performance. Performance data for the IFA Index Portfolios is shown net of IFA's highest advisory fee and the underlying mutual fund expenses. IFA Indexes when shown individually do not reflect a deduction of advisory fees. None of the data reflects trading costs or taxes, which would have lowered performance by these costs. See more important disclosures at