*Quotes and pictures are utilized for illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as an endorsement, recommendation, or guarantee of any particular financial product, service, or advisor.
Quotes by Ron Surz (1)
Ron Surz, President, PPCA, Inc.
"Style drift is a serious problem for [investors] because it distorts asset allocation and undermines performance when styles rotate. Value managers who have drifted over the past three years [1998-2000] toward more favored growth stocks are regretting those moves, but not as much as their [investors]."
The data provided in charts referring to IFA Index Portfolios is hypothetical back-tested performance and is not actual client performance. Performance data for the IFA Index Portfolios is shown net of IFA's highest advisory fee and the underlying mutual fund expenses. IFA Indexes when shown individually do not reflect a deduction of advisory fees. None of the data reflects trading costs or taxes, which would have lowered performance by these costs. See more important disclosures at ifabt.com.