Mark Hebner

Founder and CEO

Mark T. Hebner is the founder and CEO of Index Fund Advisors, Inc., (IFA), author of the highly regarded book Index Funds: The 12-Step Recovery Program for Active Investors, focused on investor education. Mark’s current book and previous editions received praise from financial industry experts and academic luminaries, including John Bogle, David Booth, Burton Malkiel, and Nobel Laureates Harry Markowitz and Paul Samuelson. The book has been nominated as one of the three all-time greatest investment books, along with the writings of John Bogle and Warren Buffett.

This book details the possible perils associated with stock picking, mutual fund manager picking, market timing, and other wealth depleting behaviors. Hebner’s 12-Step Program teaches the differences between active and passive investing, explains the emotional triggers that impact investment decisions, and offers an enlightening education on evidence-based investing that may forever change the way an investor perceives the stock market.

Hebner is a respected speaker, frequent news contributor and authority on investing. His life’s mission is to “change the way the world invests by replacing speculation with education.” Hebner is especially knowledgeable about index funds, portfolio construction and the research indexes designed by Nobel Laureate Eugene Fama and Kenneth French. These indexes provide the building blocks for the prudent evidence-based investment strategies that Hebner implements for his IFA clients.

Mark is a Wealth Advisor (Series 65) and has an MBA from the University of California, Irvine and a Bachelor’s in Nuclear Pharmacy from the University of New Mexico. He was a member of the Young Presidents' Organization for over 20 years and is currently a member of the World Presidents’ Organization and the Chief Executives Organization.

Prior to founding Index Fund Advisors in 1999, Mark was President, CEO and co-Founder of Syncor International (previously a public company - SCOR) from 1975 to 1985. In Jan. 2003, Cardinal Health acquired Syncor for approximately $850 million. As a division of Cardinal Health, it is the world's leading provider of nuclear pharmacy services.