Fiduciary and Retirement Plan Services

Serving the best interests of our clients

Index Fund Advisors - A 3(38) Investment Manager

For employer-sponsored retirement plans, Index Fund Advisors (IFA) acts as a 3(38) investment manager, which mandates that we act in a fiduciary capacity as required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).
Working with a fiduciary begins at the bedrock of any good partnership: trust! By sitting on the same side of the table as our clients, we are able to deliver high quality service with the sole purpose to serve the best interests of our clients. As an independent wealth advisor, we are not beholden to any particular product or service since our compensation comes from our expertise as retirement plan experts.
By working with you as your fiduciary, you can expect the following:
  1. Independent and unbiased advice in regard to both investment and service provider recommendations
  2. Complete transparency in terms of cost structure and expectations
  3. Unwavering commitment in educating plan participants and increasing chances of achieving retirement readiness
  4. Professional best practices in regard to monitoring and reviewing plan processes and documentation to help ensure compliance with federal regulations
To talk with an experienced advisor, contact us today at 888-643-3133.

Become An IFA Client

Talk to an experienced Wealth Advisor about
your investments. We help thousands of
people a year and are ready to help you.
Calculating risk capacity is the first step to
deciding which portfolio will generate
optimal returns for each investor.