Author: Russell H. Conwell, D.D.
Publisher: Temple Magazine Publishing Company
Year Printed: 1893
Edition: First
Condition: Fine
Pages: 482
Height: 8.5 inches
Width: 6 inches
Hear Russell Conwell Explain Why Diamonds Are A Man’s Best Friend
Russell Conwell Explains Why Diamonds Are a Man’s Best Friend
Great looking copy; hardcover. Our Every-day Opportunities and Their Wondrous, Unsuspected Riches : an Original Presentation from the Standpoint of To-day of the Master-motives and Methods that Determine Success in Life : Practical Directions and Incentives for Worthily Acquiring Wealth and Achieving Distinction, Enforced by a Graphic Recital of the Example, the Struggles and Triumphs of Noted Successful Men and Women, Representing Every Department of American Life : a Volume of Help and Cheer for Every Person, of Either Sex, who Cherishes the High Resolve of Getting on in the World and Sustaining a Career of Usefulness and Honor. Practical directions and incentives for worthily acquiring wealth & achieving distinction.